jeudi 9 août 2012


Wondering what's up with Brazilian & SANTOS Football player NEYMAR & his connection with Spanish Football? Remember last year the REAL MADRID almost done deal? 

FC Barcelona

The lastest from local Spanish press & Sports media is that FC BARCELONA is the next destination for Neymar. The deal is said to cost Barça 60M€, that is,  the amount that Santos will receive from the Spanish Club. 

The unknown is when will the deal be made official ( public ) & when will the Brazilian join FC BARCELONA. Some speculate after the Olympic Games which is very optimistic & at the sametime unlikely. What looks as a real option is next season 2013 - 2014, however I personally do not discount a possible "Winter Market 2013" incorporation. If Barça are not firing on all pistons this Xmas the Club could accelarate the processes.

What is a sure thing is the Barça has a Marketing "goldmine" & a potential "time-bomb" in the dressing room. We hope the clash of egos ( Messi ) will stay in a theory, we assume beforehand the upmost professionalism of the Footballers.

Stay tuned for more developing news in this front.

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